The Promised Messiah

The Promised Messiah

World, in which you live, is constantly evolving. You are witnessing ever greater changes in all walks of life. But are people really happy ?
Much effort is spent, that there would be peace among the nations, yet you still hear about wars. People are still waiting for universal peace and harmonious cooperation between nations.
Statistics say, that we are getting better and better harvests. The productivity of the food industry is increasing. Meanwhile, still millions of people are starving. Hungry people are waiting for bread.
Achievements of human thought made, that man stood on the moon. Scientists plan to further conquer space. Despite this, there are still many unsolved problems on earth. People still suffer, they get sick and die. They keep asking, why so much suffering in the world and evil. They wonder, what is the meaning of life on earth, what is the significance of technological progress, culture and science. Do we Christians also care about these issues and questions ? How we should solve them ? Who can help us in this ?

Waiting for the Messiah in Israel

In the previous part of the catechism, we looked at the history of salvation of the Old Covenant. The nation of Israel was waiting for the promised Messiah. God chose this nation and made it a mediator between himself and all people. To him he entrusted the greatest and most joyful promise. It was a promise of a Savior's coming. He was just about to unite all mankind separated by sin. He was to overcome sin and evil and lead all people to God.
God strengthened the hope of his people. He more and more accurately determined the time and place of the Savior's birth through the prophets. The people remembered these great promises, gathering in meeting houses, called synagogues. He read the content of the books of Holy Scripture., which foretold the coming of the Messiah and His Kingdom. He did it all the more zealously, the more he experienced the loss of his freedom. For many Israelites, waiting for a Savior was associated with a misconception, that the Messiah would free them from political bondage and restore the glory of David's kingdom. So all the Israelites, although each in a different way, they were waiting for the coming of the Messiah. They hoped for a better future with him.

John the Baptist announces the imminent arrival of the Messiah

“At that time, John the Baptist appeared and preached these words in the Judean desert : «Convert, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand ». The word of the prophet Isaiah refers to him, when he says :

The voice of one crying in the desert:
Prepare dear Lord,
Make his paths straight.

John himself wore a garment of camel's hair and a leather belt around the waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey. Then Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region by the Jordan came to him. He was baptized in the Jordan River, confessing his sins.
And when he saw, that many of the Pharisees and Sadducees are baptized, he was telling them : «A tribe of vipers, who showed you, how to escape from the wrath to come ? So bear the fruit of conversion worthy of you, don't think, that you can tell yourself : ,We have Abraham as our father ', because I tell you, that from these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The ax is already at the root of the trees. So every tree, that doesn't bear good fruit, he will be cut down and thrown into the fire. I baptize you with water for conversion ; but Ten, who follows me, he is stronger than me ; I am not worthy to wear sandals to Him. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. He has a blowtorch in his hand and he will clean his threshing : he will gather the wheat in the storehouse, and he will burn the chaff in unquenchable fire »" (Mt 3, 1-12).
Through John the Baptist, God announced his coming ,,full time ", that is, the fulfillment of God's promises. John the Baptist preaches, that the kingdom of God is near and that He is coming, who was to come, Messiah. It presents Him as a mighty messenger of God. The Messiah will judge the wicked, and to the faithful he will give God his Spirit. This will be baptism ,,spirit and fire ", which is greater than the baptism of John.
The work of the Messiah will be accomplished with the collaboration of mankind, therefore St.. John, announcing the coming of the Messiah, calls for conversion. The chosen people must "bear fruit", what God expects of him.

“He stands among you, which you don't know "

And you, together with the whole Church - the new People of God - live in ,,full time ". Among us is the Messiah, announced by the prophets, Jesus Christ. He came, to do his work. Christ is God and only He can solve it, what torments modern man. Only in him do believers find the answer to their anxieties and questions. Only through him can they return to God. Christ invites all people to accomplish his work. Wants, that we may share in directing the whole world to God. That is why it invites you and every person of good will to cooperate. We have very important tasks to fulfill in the world. Through us people are to get to know Christ, so that they can find answers to the questions in him : what is the meaning of life, bad, suffering, etc.. Nobody can help us in this task. Therefore, this year you will gradually become acquainted with Christ and His work, so that you can work better with Him.

How will I answer God ?

Now maybe you understand better, that Christ is the focal point of human history. All, what was before him, i to, what happens in the world after his coming, in him finds its explanation. With his coming, "the fullness of times" has come. In him, too, the people of our age can find solutions to pressing problems. Advent is time, in which we remember people's expectation of the promised Messiah. That's when we realize, that His work is still going on and will be done until the second coming of Christ. In the readings about John the Baptist, we hear the word of God calling us to conversion and cooperation with Christ.
That's why you have to, to ask yourself : Do I know Christ and do I feel responsible for His work? ? With what diligence I am trying to get to know Him ? How often I remember, that Christ calls me to cooperate in building the Kingdom of God ? How I am fulfilling my task of bringing people closer to Christ ?
In the Advent Preface you will thank God along with the whole Church for fulfilling the promise and opening the way for people to eternal salvation.. Try to pray to God more often : "That's right, that we give you thanksgiving God, father, through Christ our Lord.

He, through his first coming in human nature, fulfilled your eternal purpose, and for us he has opened the way of eternal salvation. He will come again in the splendor of his glory, to give us the promised gifts, which we expect with trust while watching ".

We express our desire and expectation for a Savior to God with the words of the Polish Advent song :

“Send us a Savior from heaven into the earthly lands, clouds.
The world, unhappy through sins, He cried out in the deep night,
When the devil reigned among the curse from God, death and fear,
And grave offenses have closed the gates of salvation.
But the Father took pity on the wretched people of the plight,
The son offered himself willingly, to fulfill the eternal will ;
Soon Gabriel comes down and heralds this to Mary, that by the Holy Spirit she will conceive the Son of God.
A virgin chaste in humility submits herself to judgments,
God's judgments are coming, The Word becomes Flesh.
But! be happy, Adam's tribe, the Savior will come down to earth.
Tremble hell, He will plunge your powers into eternal night ".

■ Think:

1. What questions do modern people seek answers to? ?
2. Who the Israelites had been waiting for for centuries ?
3. What God announces and what he calls people to through John the Baptist ?
4. What do the words "fullness of time" mean? ?
5. Who can give people answers to their questions ?
6. What task does the Church have to fulfill today? ?
7. What is God calling you to today? ?

■ Remember:

1. What God announces to people through John the Baptist ?
God announces to the people, that the Savior came to earth and that the kingdom of God has come.

■ Task :

1. Read the beginning of the Gospel of St. Brand. Who is it talking about ?
2. What feelings do our Advent songs express? ?