Parents' Prayer for Children

Parents' Prayer for Children.

Triune God, By your will and grace, you have entrusted us with children, which belong to you. Please follow them, that you have …

Is a life without love ?

Is a life without love ?

You've probably met people, who are not married. It doesn't mean that at all, that they underestimate the value of marriage. Mimo that …

Notice the brother

We are proud of numerous technological achievements in the 21st century. Their fruit is increasing material prosperity. Dużo słyszymy o tym że społeczeństwo troszczy się o

Honor your father and your mother

Honor your father and your mother

There are people like that, who think, that the fourth commandment applies only to young children. They think, that it no longer applies to the young, którzy stają

Raising a child

Raising a child

Your parents gave you life, but does their tasks end there? ? Do you realise, that parental responsibilities go even further. You are watching your friends and colleagues, you meet …