Christ strengthens the sick
Christ strengthens the sick
A Christian should unite his sufferings with those of Christ. In this he finds the meaning of his sufferings. This is especially difficult for a sick person, który nie …
Novena Chaplet
Christ strengthens the sick
A Christian should unite his sufferings with those of Christ. In this he finds the meaning of his sufferings. This is especially difficult for a sick person, który nie …
You have to renounce
Nowadays, many young people work professionally and study at the same time. So he often has to give up cinema, a walk or a trip. Osiem …
Human Development - for the Kingdom of God
You want to become an adult. You want to learn a lot of skills : drive a motorbike or a car, play instruments, make model airplanes. …
Priest and religious in the Kingdom of God
You certainly know people, who dress differently than the general public, dobrowolnie rezygnują z założenia własnej rodziny i prowadzą …
We are all building God's Kingdom
Nobody likes such people, who always and everywhere think only about themselves. They want, that only they would be well. At school, on the pitch or in the team …
A Christian expresses his faith through external signs
You see everyday, how people greet each other, shake hands, they bow, they smile. You do likewise. Dlaczego ludzie posługują się takimi gestami i …
Man wants to be not only with other people, but he also wants to meet God. Wśród ludzi wspólnota wytwarza się i pogłębia przez …
The whole year was divided into months and weeks. Many days of the week are very similar to each other. However, one day is different from the rest. You say often, that's not it …
Christ forms a Christian's conscience
Beautiful weather outside. The sun shines. Would you like to play football or go cycling. At the same time, many responsibilities await you today. You received a lot of tasks to …
In Confirmation, Christians are empowered to fulfill their tasks
A good man willingly shares this, what he has, with your fellow men. It does not close in on itself, is not indifferent to …