Which perpetuates the brotherhood between people ?
Which perpetuates the brotherhood between people ?
Although all people are equal, however, there are divisions between them ; they are poor and rich, exploited and exploiting, …
Novena Chaplet
Which perpetuates the brotherhood between people ?
Although all people are equal, however, there are divisions between them ; they are poor and rich, exploited and exploiting, …
People of all races and nations meet frequently, e.g.. at various sports events. Spotykają się także ze sobą w …
Some people get married only in the registry office, while others, apart from a civil marriage, also marry in the church. Have you wondered …
"If I hadn't had love…”
Henryk Sienkiewicz in the novel ,,Quo vadis ”, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize, presented the life of the first Christians. It was admired by the Gentiles. W …
Christ shows the Father's mercy in the sacrament of penance
When you want to reconcile with someone, then you use the appropriate signs, to express your desire to make peace. Sometimes it happens, that you have offended someone, …
Christ in his mercy allows for the completion of penance after death
Every sin must be corrected, repented. Yet many people delay their repentance, improvement, conversion to the point of death. Some of the …
Penance in the Church
You remember well the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector from the Gospel of St.. Luke (Luke 18, 9-14). The tax collector recognizes his sinfulness. He recognizes the need for repentance and conversion. The Pharisee does not see v …
Who is committing sin, turns away from God and wounds the Church
Who is sinning, he tries to justify his sins in some way. Some say, that that, what they do, is not a sin, …
Eternal Life with God
Everyone wants to live. You love life too. You believe in eternal life. But you ask : whether it will be a complete break with the current life ?
There is life …
“Our life is changing, but it doesn't end "
In television programs or in sensational films, you often watch scenes depicting the death of one or more people. Do you realise, that it is …