God speaks to his people

pismo swieteGod speaks to his people

God revealed himself to Abraham and made his promises to him. Abraham became the father of all believers. Bóg przez Abrahama przemówił również

Abraham - father of all believers

offering of IsaacAbraham - father of all believers

God called Abraham to cooperate in the salvation of people. Made him promises, which apply to everyone. Abraham był posłuszny wezwaniu

Man responds to God

baptismAs you grow, you want to be more and more independent. You want, to be among colleagues and friends, you were so needed at home and at school, how …

We live with God in the Church of Christ

church prayerYou don't like being alone. Even in the family home you want, for someone to be with you, so that you can have at least a few words with him. You're looking for colleagues, you are friends with some of them, more often …

God speaks to man

god manGod. Your mother told you about him. You learned about him in your first religion lessons. Now you know, that he is the Creator of everything, what exists, what surrounds you. He is also your Creator. …