Do not bear false testimony against your neighbor
Do not bear false testimony against your neighbor
You probably want to be relevant to others. You want, that people respect you and respect you. Boleśnie odczuwasz okazywane ci lekceważenie lub …
Novena Chaplet
You probably want to be relevant to others. You want, that people respect you and respect you. Boleśnie odczuwasz okazywane ci lekceważenie lub …
"The truth will set you free"
You are more and more interested in the world. You want to know the truth about the world and about man. Adults help you in this, you trust. Kiedy …
We all condemn theft and robbery. It is obvious ! When someone takes other people's things stealthily, without his knowledge, then we say, that he steals. We call him a thief.…
You certainly know the figure of Bl. Father Maximilian Kolbe, who voluntarily gave his life for a fellow prisoner. We feel, that it was a beautiful act. But …
Life and health are of great value. God stands up for them in the commandment : "Do not kill". This commandment is so obvious, that all people recognize them. I ty jesteś głęboko …
"On the ship" Batory >> there was a commotion in Gdynia, when someone came running with the news, that Juliusz Osterwa is on board. It was in the early spring of 1939…”Yes, Gustaw Morcinek …
You have a day off. Initially, you are happy about it. You're watching a TV show, are you listening to the radio, you browse the internet but after a while you get bored and you don't know, what have you got in this free …
People of all races and nations meet frequently, e.g.. at various sports events. They also meet each other during trips to different countries, …
For the love of God above all (Bl. King)
The 13th century was very turbulent and full of anxiety in Poland. Dukes ruled the country broken down into districts, who, in addition, often fought each other. …
You found out about the break-up of a marriage. You are surprised by this news, because you were careful, that this marriage was a good match. Sometimes this divergence of marriage provokes discussions about it …