Seventh article of faith

170. Jak opiewa siódmy artykuł wiary?

The seventh article of faith sings: »From there he will come to judge the living and the dead *.

171. Kiedy Pan Jezus z nieba znowu przyjdzie?

On the last day, that is, at the end of the world, the Lord Jesus will come again from heaven with great power and glory.

172. Naco przyjdzie znowu Pan Jezus w dniu ostatecznym?

At this, the Lord Jesus will come again on the last day, to judge all people: the living and the dead, that is, good and bad.

J73. What is the judgment at the end of the world?

Ultimate, common, or the judgment of the world, the judgment at the end of the world is called, because it will be the last judgment and because all the people of the world will be judged at it simultaneously.

174. W jaki sposób Pan Jezus będzie sądził ludzi na sądzie ostatecznym?

In this way, the Lord Jesus will judge people at the final judgment:

1. oddzieli dobrych od złych;

2. wyjawi przed całym światem, what people did good and bad;

3. dobrych weźmie do nieba, the bad guys will go to hell.

175. Czy oprócz sądu powszechnego jest jeszcze inny sąd boży?

In addition to the common court, there is also a detailed court, which immediately after a person's death takes place over his soul.

176. Dlaczego oprócz sądu szczegółowego odbędzie się jeszcze sąd powszechny?

In addition to the detailed court, there will also be a common court:

1. aby przed całym światem okazała się boska moc i sprawiedliwość, love and wisdom;

2. aby wszyscy ludzie uznali Jezusa Chrystusa za Boga i cześć boską Mu oddali;

3. aby sprawiedliwi otrzymali zasłużoną chwałę, and the wicked have covered themselves with deserved shame.

Reminder. The Lord Jesus, as the Savior, appeared in poverty on earth and is hiding among us in the Blessed Sacrament, but someday he will come in glory as an unrelenting judge. What judgment will He give you? ?