Curriculum vitae – Ludwik Pastor – Great benefactor of mankind
Great benefactor of mankind (Ludwik Pastor)
Janusz Korczak wrote a book for children and teenagers, which he gave the title : "Stubborn Boy". A mówi w niej o jednym …
Novena Chaplet
Great benefactor of mankind (Ludwik Pastor)
Janusz Korczak wrote a book for children and teenagers, which he gave the title : "Stubborn Boy". A mówi w niej o jednym …
Christ enriches the faith of the baptized for the good of all
Leader of the Hindu nation, Mahatma gandhi, he confessed, that he has great respect for Jesus and His teachings. Stated …
St.. Andrzej Świerad and Benedict
Others followed
In the northern part of Nowy Sącz, tam, where the Dunajec is transformed into the Czchowskie Lake, there is the village of Tropie. …
Christ bestows the grace of faith upon the baptized
Faith gives meaning to human life. You certainly want, make your life truly happy. In faith you are looking for your meaning …
Faith in human life
As you grew, you asked more and more difficult questions to the elders, and most of all their parents and teachers. You asked them about various things, which troubled you. Maybe …
“As soon as I believed, that there is God, I understood, that I cannot do otherwise, how to live only for him ".
In the Sahara desert, which some people call the saddest and poorest place on earth, …
Christ asks the person who is baptized to be truly converted
Here is a baby for baptism. Through the ministry of the priest, Christ unites them to himself and gives them God's life. This is happening for …
The Importance of Baptism
Baptism is that sacrament, through which man is grafted onto Christ and becomes a member of the People of God. This truth is clearly expressed by the new …
Christ introduces us to the Church through Baptism
Man is a social being and he needs to live in a community. This is expressed in the boy's statement, who complains about the lack of community at home : …
Christ introduces man into the new creation through baptism
You certainly do, that good should prevail in the world. You do, that victory can only be achieved in Jesus Christ. So what should be done, …