Notice the brother

We are proud of numerous technological achievements in the 21st century. Their fruit is increasing material prosperity. We hear a lot about how society cares about people. After all, it creates many social institutions that deal with man : nurseries, before school, orphanages, sanatoriums, retirement homes, hospitals. But is that all there is to it ?
These institutions may own luxury homes, great facilities, professional staff, and yet people, who are there, something may be missing. What ?…

A brother in need

He asks

Boy, who is staying in the orphanage, he feels lonely and calls out : ,,I want a mother, that will hug me, hugs. Father, who will tell me "son", and siblings, who will love me ". On a hot day, a mother pushes her way with her baby in an overcrowded train. He's asking for a seat. Will he find them ?
A person is often forced to ask for help from another person. It does not come easily to him. It's hard to ask someone for a kind word, for advice, listening kindly and taking an interest in our affairs. Isn't the "emergency telephone" also the result of a lack of courage, to ask directly for help from another person ?
And would your neighbor have the courage to turn to you for help? ?

She is silent

An old man is standing at the crossroads. The crowds are passing by, and he stands helpless. Nobody was interested in him. He himself did not dare to ask to be carried out. But his attitude was a silent plea for help. Being silent, he pleaded.
She pleads silently, to see him, sick grandfather or grandmother at home. Lots of lonely people, older ones, and often the sick are waiting for it, that someone would be interested in them and help. Maybe you don't even guess, how many people are waiting for your help. They are helpless in life. They are afraid, that others would laugh at them. You need great sensitivity, to see them in the crowd. They are waiting for a human, who will understand them, will not disregard and will be happy to help them.
Idea, can you see those around you, who silently ask for your help.

He's hiding

The mother has several children. I need help. But he is ashamed to ask for her. But she would be grateful, if people not asked to come to her aid.
There are also such, who do not want to reveal their needs, sometimes very important and urgent. They hide them. Sometimes it can come from ambition, often out of shyness. Or perhaps delicacy tells them to hide their needs ? Such people are not easy to spot. You just have to look for them.
Can you discover such people in your environment? ?

Through you, Christ helps a needy brother

Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel, first of all addressed people in need of help. The Gospel speaks of them as privileged people in God's Kingdom. In them God sees his beloved children. He bestows his love on them in a special way.
God is calling us, that we are sensitive to all human needs, that we may joyfully rush to those who are asking, they noticed those who were silent in suffering, and they found those in hiding and showed them love. In this mutual love, our brotherhood and community are grown and strengthened. We turn out to be a true family of one Father, who is love. In U.S, when we are sensitive to other people's needs and help others, God himself is at work. Through our ministry, God himself draws close to people who need help and shows them his love. As Christians, we are not alone in all our works of mercy, but we cooperate with God working in us. He invites us, that we may be conscious instruments of his saving love. After all, he gave us this love through baptism.
In the delicacy of a nurse or doctor, God acts and shows His love for people. Through the creative work and effort of the engineer, educators, the farmer God draws close to those in need and rushes to help them.
When we help other people with love, then we respond to Christ's call : “Be merciful, as your Father is merciful " (Luke 6, 36).

How will I answer God ?

One of the most outstanding Poles of the 16th century., "Apostle of mercy", pcs. Piotr Skarga called so :
“Not everyone can fast, pray long, shed blood for Christ, but all can be merciful… You can't give much… give little… You can't give money, give it advice, reminder, science, a good word and consolation. Ty, one healthy, save the sick, one has not fallen, give your hand to the lying person, one rich, do not leave the poor… Let us all be merciful, for without this virtue others are like a house without a single wall, a bird without a single wing, dish without salt, speech without truth, faith without works ".

And you, do you see a brother in need in your surroundings ? Think about the words of the song :

"Those who love no hearts, who love no hearts,
Everyone wants to play, everyone wants to enjoy,
Those who love no hearts, who love no hearts,
A neighbor's son died today, next to the dance and buzz,
No one sees the tears.
So righteous anger arises in the heart, which he loves.
So righteous anger awakens, the wrath of a good God.
Those who love no hearts, who love no hearts,
Everyone wants to play, everyone wants to enjoy.
Someone so bad, the soul tears with pain,
He looks at the door in vain, no one will visit him,
Nobody will console him.
So right…
Those who love no hearts, who love no hearts,
Everyone wants to play, everyone wants to enjoy,
Someone old and alone there, who will give him bread today ?
Poverty has entered the threshold, hunger stares in his eyes,
Nobody will feed him.
So right…
The night goes by, dawn is rising, night passes, dawn is rising.
Good news is flowing out into the world, a new song calls us.
We want to give you joy, we want to give love today.
A new song calls us, there is good news flowing into the world,
Night passes, dawn rises.
Because any pain will heal the heart, which he loves
And the sad one will see the smile of God in you ".
(Words and Muses. : A. Duval).

■ Think :

1. Co jest konieczne, that welfare institutions can truly meet human needs ?

2. Czy potrzebującym jest tylko ten, who asks for help ?

3. Kto jest uprzywilejowany w Ewangelii Chrystusowej ?

4. Z kim spotykamy się w potrzebujących ?

5. Przez kogo obecnie Chrystus chce dotrzeć do ludzi będących w potrzebie ?

■ Remember:

30. Kim są według Ewangelii ludzie potrzebujący pomocy ?

According to the Gospel, people who need help are people, whom God especially loves.

31. Kim chrześcijanin ma być dla potrzebującego brata ?

A Christian is meant to be for a needy brother, by whom Christ bestows his love on him and rushes to help him.

■ Task :

1. Odszukam ludzi w swoim środowisku, which I can help.

2. Porozmawiam z katechetą, how can I get involved in the charity action in the parish, especially in the "Week of Mercy".

3. Ułożę Modlitwę wiernych na „Tydzień miłosierdzia”.

4. Postaram się o tekst „Krucjaty miłości” i zastanowię się, how to implement this year's slogan.