Eleventh Article of Faith

242. Jak opiewa jedenasty artykuł wiary?

The eleventh article of faith is singing: »The body will be resurrected *.

243. Czego uczy jedenasty artykuł wiary?

The eleventh article of faith teaches, that Jesus Christ will raise our flesh on the last day, that is, it will reconnect the soul with the body.

244. Dlaczego Pan Jezus wskrzesi nasze ciało?

The Lord Jesus will resurrect our body:

1. that the body may also participate in the reward, or punishes, how he had good in his earthly life, or bad deeds;

2. aby zwycięstwo Pana Jezusa nad grzechem i śmiercią było zupełnem.

245. Czy wszyscy ludzie zmartwychwstaną?

All people will be resurrected, good and bad. (Church funeral, Catholic cemeteries).

246. Czy ciała zmartwychwstałych będą jednakiemi?

The bodies of the resurrected ones will not be alike: the bodies of the wicked will be terrifyingly ugly, the bodies of the good are very beautiful and glorified.

Reminder. Never misuse your senses and your body members to sin, and you will rise to happiness, and not condemnation.