The Liturgy of Confirmation

The Liturgy of Confirmation

  1. Presentation of candidates for confirmation

Priest: Venerable Father, The Holy Church is asking through me for the sacrament of confirmation of the young people of the parish of N..
Bishop: Do these young people know, what a great gift she receives in this sacrament and whether she has prepared herself properly to receive it ?
Priest: I am convinced, that everyone was getting ready for confirmation, for they participated for several days in listening to the word of God and praying together, and they attended the sacrament of penance.
Bishop: Dear young people, say in front of the Church gathered here, what favors you expect from God in this sacrament ?
Candidates: We wish, that the Holy Spirit, which we will get, he strengthened us to valiantly profess our faith and to act according to its principles. ( by heart !!!)
Everybody: Amen.

  1. Renewal of baptismal vows

Bishop: I am asking each of you: Do you renounce Satan, all his affairs and temptations ?
Candidates: I renounce.
Bishop: Do you believe in God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth ?
Candidates: I do believe.
Bishop: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, and our Lord, born of the Virgin Mary, tortured and buried, who is raised from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father ?
Candidates: I do believe.
Bishop: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and the Giver of Life, which you are to receive today in Confirmation, just as the apostles received him on the day of Pentecost ?
Candidates: I do believe.
Bishop: Do you believe in the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, forgiveness of sins, resurrection of the body and eternal life ?
Candidates: I do believe.
Bishop: This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church, confessing is our glory in Christ Jesus, Our Lord.
Everybody: Amen.

  1. The liturgy of the sacrament
  2. Putting on hands

Bishop: My dear, let us ask God the Father almighty, that he would graciously send the Holy Spirit upon his foster children, already regenerated in baptism to eternal life. May the Holy Spirit strengthen them with his abundant gifts and make them like Christ through his anointing, The Son of God.
(All pray silently for a while, and then the Bishop and the priests stretch out their hands over the candidates). The Bishop himself says the prayer:
God almighty, Our Lord's Father, Jesus Christ, who regenerated your servants by the water and the Holy Spirit and freed them from sin, send them the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding, a spirit of counsel and bravery, a spirit of skill and piety, fill them with the spirit of your fear. Through Christ, Our Lord.
Everybody: Amen.

  1. Anointing with chrism

(Confirmation candidates approach the bishop, or the bishop goes to each of them. The confirmation witness places his right hand on the candidate's right shoulder).
Bishop: N., receive the mark of the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Confirmed: Amen. ( by heart !!!)
Bishop: Peace with you.
Confirmed: And with your spirit. ( by heart !!)

Hymn to the Holy Spirit

  1. About the Creator, Duchu, come
    Lead the circle of souls faithful to You.
    Send the grace of heaven
    Sercom, what your hands are doing.
  2. You are called the comforter,
    And the gift of the Most High God.
    You are the anointing of our souls,
    A lively spa, love fire embers.
  3. You give grace seven times,
    For you have strength from the right hand of the Father.
    Promised us by the Father,
    You enrich our language with speech.
  4. Illuminate our thoughts with light,
    Pour holy love into our hearts
    And the frail weakness of our bodies
    Strengthen with the constancy of your strength.
  5. Drive the enemy away
    And give your peace together.
    Let it follow your conductor on the way
    We will pass evil, what tempts us.
  6. Let us know the Father through you,
    Give, that the Son may also be known,
    And you, one breath of two,
    Let us confess with all our strength.
  7. Glory be to God the Father,
    To my son, who is risen.
    And that, which comforts us,
    Let the tribute of the eternal glories flow.