God speaks to his people

pismo swieteGod speaks to his people

God revealed himself to Abraham and made his promises to him. Abraham became the father of all believers. God also spoke to us through Abraham. He taught us about salvation. You will learn about many other events as well as about God's words to people. Maybe you were wondering, how do we know about all this. After all, some of these events still took place then, when the people did not know the scriptures.

God reveals himself through events and words

Concerned about the salvation of all people, God turned to Abraham and called him, to leave his homeland and go to the land, which God would show him and give it to him. Abraham obeyed God and went to Canaan. Then God promised, że tę właśnie ziemię oddaje Abrahamowi i jego pokoleniom. So God revealed himself to Abraham in words, when he called him. He also appeared to him in the event and gave Abraham and his descendants their own land of Canaan.

God made a promise to Abraham, that he would make a great nation out of his family. Abraham, however, did not have a son. Furthermore, Abraham's wife Sarah was barren, and they were both old and not expecting a baby. But God fulfilled his promise and Sarah gave birth to a son, who was given the name Isaac. Abraham's generation grew later, as God has foretold, into a great nation. So you see, that also in this case God revealed himself to Abraham in words, when he made his promise to him, and in the event, when he had fulfilled this promise.

God revealed himself to Abraham through the word, when he said : „…I will make your name famous : you will become a blessing… The peoples of the whole earth will be blessed through you " (Gen. 12, 2-3).

This promise has been fulfilled, when Jesus Christ came to earth. He was indeed a descendant of Abraham and brought blessing to all people, that is, salvation. In his person and life, God revealed himself most fully.

The history of the chosen people tells, that God has revealed himself in this way over and over again : he was talking to them, he made promises and kept these promises. So God revealed Himself to people through words and events.

Written books

God's words, His promises and announced events, which have already come true and which were to come true, were mentioned frequently in the chosen people. They were remembered for. The old people told them to the younger ones. This has been passed down through the ages in this way, what god was saying, he announced and did. God's revelation was given orally. Then God called some people, to write them. Thus, books called the Holy Scriptures or the Bible were written for a long time. Today you can read God's words and stories about events in them, in which God revealed himself and his plan for the salvation of all people. Events and words, that took place before the birth of Jesus, they are written in the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament. Życie Jezusa zaś i Jego nauka oraz nauki Apostołów są spisane w Piśmie świętym Nowego Testamentu.

Inspired books

God wanted, that his saving events and words may be written in the holy books. So he chose some people and stirred them up, aby spisali to, what God wants to reveal to people. He helped them, to give all of this, and only this, in writing, what He Himself wanted to say. We call this help from God inspiration.

Inspired authors, although they wrote about events in the history of the chosen people, they did it differently than the authors of history textbooks. Inspired authors show in the Scriptures, how God works in the chosen people and saves all people. The authors of the Bible books wrote like this, as it was written in their day about God and about religious matters. Therefore, the Scriptures. different from books, with whom you meet today at school.

To know, what God intended to reveal in Scripture, you need to know, as the inspired authors thought and wrote. You also need to know, as people thought, to which the Scriptures. was directly directed. These people lived a very long time and under different conditions than ours. Many scholars are working on this, to know these distant times and thus better understand and explain the Scriptures. We call these scholars biblical scholars. Final Explanation of Scripture. belongs to the Church, "Who has God's command and mission to guard and explain the word of God" (KO 12).
The books of the Bible teach confidently, faithfully and mistakenly about our salvation.

Sacred Scripture in the Church

When you come to church on Sunday for the Eucharistic Assembly - Holy Mass, you see, that excerpts from the Scriptures are read at the beginning. These are the words of God, returned to us.

The holy books of the chosen people are also the holy books of the Church. St., like the body of the Lord, is for the Church "the Bread of Life". It strengthens the faith of the whole Church, it is food for the soul, our support and strength.

By reading and listening to the Scriptures "Father, who is in heaven, meets lovingly with his children and talks with them " (KO 21). That reading and listening to the Holy Scriptures may be a real conversation between God and man, it should be accompanied by our prayer.

God also speaks to us then, when we read

Scripture individually or collectively, e.g.. at catechesis or in the family.

How will I answer God ?

And to me today God speaks with the words of Holy Scripture. By listening carefully to them, I can get to know Him better. Do I also read the scriptures ? Do I try to understand them better ? Can I thank God for it?, that he reveals himself to his people and leads them to salvation ?

I will pray with the words of Holy Scripture : “Praised be the Lord, God of Israel, that he has visited his people and delivered them, and he has raised up a power to save us in the house of his servant, David : as he foretold from time immemorial through the mouth of his holy prophets ; that he will save us from our enemies and from the hand of all, who hate us ; that he would show mercy to our fathers and remember his holy covenant - his oath, which he gave to our father, To Abraham, to lend it to us, that by the power of his enemies, delivered without fear, we will serve him in godliness and righteousness before him all our days” (Luke 1, 68-75).

■ Think:

1. Skąd dowiadujesz się o słowach Boga i o zbawczych wydarzeniach ?

2. Jak powstały księgi Pisma świętego ?

3. Co autorzy natchnieni mieli przekazać w Piśmie świętym ?

4. Na co należy zwrócić uwagę, to properly understand the content of the Scriptures ?

5. Kiedy w Kościele czytane jest Pismo

Holy ?

6. Kto do nas mówi, when the Holy Scriptures are read in the Church ?

■ Remember:

8. W jaki sposób Bóg objawia się ludziom ? God reveals himself to people through the events and words contained in the Holy Scriptures. Old and New Testaments.

9. Why the Scriptures. we call the inspired books ?

St.. we call the inspired books, because God helped their authors, aby spisali to, what God himself wanted to convey to people for their salvation.

■ Task :

Take care of it, that the scriptures may be kept in your home with respect.

■ Compare:

Word of god: "Any Scripture, it is inspired by God and useful for teaching, to convince, to correct, for training in righteousness - that the man of God may be perfect, prepared for every good deed " (2 This 3, 16-17). "Many times and in various ways, God once spoke to our fathers through the prophets" (Hbr 1, 1a).
,,This first and foremost, keep in mind, that no prophecy of Scripture is for private explanation. For it was not by human will that prophecy was brought forward, but guided by the Holy Spirit, holy people spoke from God " (2 P 1,20-21). "This is, what was once written, it was written for our instruction, let us through patience and comfort, carried by the Scriptures, they kept hoping " (Rz 15,4).

The teaching of the Church : "Through God's revelation, God willed to reveal and make known Himself and the eternal determination of His will for the salvation of people for participation, namely in God's gifts, which completely surpass the knowledge of human reason " (KO 6).