At the Passover Supper, Jesus commemorates his death and resurrection

At the Passover Supper, Jesus commemorates his death and resurrection

On the occasion of the most important events, people usually gather at a common table. They eat their meal, give ceremonial speeches, they make wishes and gifts for each other. In this way, they experience shared joy. They are linked by ties of friendship. They make sure of each other's memory. Have you noticed, that there is a feast in our church as well, eating together ? How it was created and what it expresses ? Why is it held so often ? What is happening in it ?

Passover supper of Jesus Christ

One of the most important events in the history of the chosen people was the night of Israel's departure from Egyptian captivity. The Israelites celebrated the memorial of that night and their covenant with God each year. The center of this celebration was a common supper. At that time, solemn prayers of thanksgiving were said, the Passover lamb and unleavened bread were eaten. The father of the family told the participants about the most important events in the history of the chosen people, especially about deliverance from Egyptian bondage, which thus became, as it were, present to each tribe of Israel. Paschal Supper, which the Israelites ate each year, it was also a foreshadowing and the beginning of a happy feast in the future Kingdom of God (From 25, 6). Jesus also ate this Passover supper with his disciples. The day before his Passion, he gathered them together in the Upper Room. “And when the time has come, took his place at the table and the apostles with him. Then he said to them : “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you, before I suffer. For I tell you : I will not eat it anymore, until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God »" (Luke 22, 14-16).
Jesus was the father of the family. He presided at this Supper, He was saying a blessing and a prayer of thanksgiving. But it was a different Feast from all the Passover feasts of the Israelites. This is where it came true, what all Israel's paschal festivities were aiming at and foretold.

The sacrifice of Jesus Christ

Jesus eagerly waited for this last Passover to be eaten with his disciples. He ate the paschal lamb with the apostles. After eating the lamb, he did something new : “He took the bread, having said thanks, he broke it and handed it over, speaking : «This is my body, which will be given for you : do this in remembrance of me ». Likewise he took the cup after supper, saying : «This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will be poured out for you »" (Luke 22, 19-20).
This is how Jesus showed, that he offers himself to God the Father for all people. He is the true Lamb of God, who on the next day will be slain to take away the sins of the whole world. Speaking of the Body given up and the blood poured out, he announced, that on the cross, his interior sacrifice will be fulfilled visibly and externally.
To make present forever, until the second coming, your victim, Jesus turned bread into flesh and wine into blood. This transformation of bread into the Body of Christ, and the wine into His Blood is called transubstantiation. We believe, that after the transubstantiation, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ are contained in the sign of the bread and wine. Jesus also clearly said, that through this sacrifice God makes the New Covenant. It is different from the Old Covenant, that it was sealed not with the blood of sacrificial animals, but with the blood of the Son of God, God-Man. Jesus Christ himself is the mediator of this Covenant, as the High Priest.
So, at the Passover Supper, Jesus Christ offered a sacrifice to God, which is one with the Sacrifice on the cross. Here and there are the same sacrifices - the Body and Blood of Christ. The same Priest-Sacrifice is here and there : Jesus Christ, who offered himself for people.

Holy Mass, that is, the Eucharistic Assembly *

"Do this in remembrance of me" (by. Luke 22, 19) Jesus said, when he offered himself to God the Father in the Upper Room. With these words, the Savior entrusted the Church with the Eucharistic Sacrifice of His Body and Blood, instituted at the Last Supper., as a memorial of his passion and resurrection (KL 47). From the day of Pentecost, "the Church has never ceased to gather together to celebrate the paschal mystery" (KL 6).

* Memorial of Christ's sacrifice made on the cross and made present in the Upper Room, they have been called differently over the centuries. Sw. Paul calls it "the Lord's Supper" (by. 1 Disease 11,20). Acts speaks of believers gathering to "break bread" (by. Dz 2, 42.46). With time, the memorial of Christ's sacrifice began to be called from the Greek "Eucharist" (= thanksgiving), later "Victim" (in Latin : sacrifice, offering), and sometimes the "Congregation" (in Greek : synaxis, in Latin : collecta). Around the 5th century, we find the name : "Miss" (from the Latin word : missio or dimissio = referral, distribution, because catechumens were sent away after the readings, that is, candidates for baptism). The Polish name "Msza" comes from the Latin word "Missio".

Currently, the name "Eucharistic Congregation" is also used., to emphasize active participation in the Holy Mass. not only priests, but all the gathered people of God. Sacrifice of the Mass. for it gathers those gathered around Christ in common worship and unites them in Christ with God and with one another. In this way, he creates one family of God's children, that is, the Church.
The Eucharistic Assembly, i.e. the Holy Mass, it takes place in the form of a feast. Also during this feast, Jesus Christ offers himself to God the Father for all people. Priests, who preside over this assembly, they work in His name and in His power. Jesus is risen present in them (KL 7) he offers God the Father his glorified Body and his glorified Blood. For this reason, the Eucharist is a memorial and a presence of the paschal mystery, i.e.. the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. At the same time, it is an announcement of the future glory of the Church, when Christ comes in glory (Luke 22, 16). The Eucharist is an anticipation and pledge of the messianic banquet after the second coming of Jesus Christ. Hence, during the Eucharistic Assembly, after transformation, the presiding priest announces : "This is the great mystery of faith" ! And everyone replies : “We proclaim Your death, Lord Jesus, we confess your resurrection and we look forward to your coming in glory ".

How will I answer God ?

You already understand, what the Eucharistic feast is for you and for the whole Church. Then Jesus Christ invites all people : “Take and eat of it, all of you, for this is my body, which will be given for you ".
How do you respond to Christ's invitation ? How you participate in this Paschal Supper ? Are you not just a passive spectator ?

I thank Christ for this, what he did for me, with the words of the song :

“Here is the holy body of the Lord - in the form of bread
Living manna given to people - for the way to heaven.
Hello Jesus, Our Lord, how much love you have!
Here is the holy Blood of the Covenant - a living fountain of grace.
She takes away God's anger - washes us away from sins.
Hello Jesus…”

■ Think:

1. In remembrance of what the Israelites were eating the Passover feast ?
2. Why Jesus Christ instituted the Sacrifice of His Body and Blood at the Passover Supper ?
3. What Jesus gave the Apostles to eat at the Last Supper ?
4. To whom and for whom Jesus offered His Body and Blood at the Last Supper ?
5. What Commands did the Apostles Receive at the Last Supper ?
6. Why the Eucharistic Congregation, i.e. the Holy Mass, it is one with the sacrifice of the cross and the Upper Room ? How long will the "memorial of the Lord" last in the Church of Christ??

■ Remember:

32. When the Lord Jesus instituted the memorial of his passion and resurrection ?
Jesus instituted the memorial of his passion and resurrection at the Paschal Supper.

33. Why is the Sacrifice offered in the Upper Room one with the Sacrifice offered on the cross ?
The sacrifice offered in the Upper Room is one with the Sacrifice on the Cross, because here and there are the same sacrifices - the Body and Blood of Christ. The Priest-Sacrifice is also the same, Jesus Christ, who offered himself for people.

34. Why the Eucharistic Congregation, i.e. the Holy Mass, it is one with the sacrifice of the cross and the Upper Room ?
Holy Mass. it is one with the sacrifice of the cross and the Upper Room, because it is done by the same Priest-Sacrifice, Jesus Christ. There are also the same sacrifices, i.e.. The body and blood of the risen Christ.

■ Task :

1. Compare the words of the institution of the Eucharist at St.. Luke with the liturgical words of transubstantiation. Unsubscribe, what is in common with them.

2. As if you explained to another man, that during the Holy Mass. one should receive Holy Communion. ?