
1. Which learning is the most needed?

Learning the Catholic religion is the most necessary.

2. Why teaching the Catholic religion is the most necessary science?

Therefore, learning the Catholic religion is the most necessary, because it teaches us, how to serve God, to be saved forever.

3. Jak nazywamy tę książkę, in which the teaching of the Catholic religion is briefly collected?

We call this book a catechism, in which the teaching of the Catholic religion is briefly collected.

4. Na ile części dzieli się katechizm?

The catechism is divided into five parts.

5. O czem pouczają nas te pięć części katechizmu? These five parts of the catechism instruct us: first, about faith and about the Apostolic Composition; the other, about hope and about prayer;

three, about love and commandments; fourth, about grace and the holy sacraments; fifth, about Christian justice and the four last things.

Reminder. Listen diligently and attentively to the teachings of religion, and carve it deeply in your heart, that you may achieve eternal happiness. For »what will help a man?, if only it gained the whole world, and he has lost his soul?* (Mat. 16, 26).