About the creation of the world.
67. Dlaczego nazywamy Pana Boga Stworzycielem nieba i ziemi?
That is why we call the Lord God the Creator of heaven and earth, for He made heaven and earth and everything, what is.
68. Co znaczy to słowo „stworzyć”?
This word: »Create< means: make something out of nothing.
69. Naco Pan Bóg stworzył Pan Bóg stworzył świat:
1. dla chwały Swojej;
2. dla dobra stworzeń.
70. W jaki sposób opiekuje się Pan Bóg światem
In this way, God looks after the world, that it maintains and rules it.
71. Jak Pan Bóg utrzymuje świat?
God causes His Almighty will, that the world and all creatures in the world have existed for so long, as long as he likes it.
72. Jak Pan Bóg rządzi światem?
God arranges everything best and makes it happen, that nothing happens in the world without His holy will or His admission.
73. Czy Jednak nieszczęścia i cierpienia Pan Bóg zsyła na ludzi ?
God sends misfortunes and suffering to people through them:
1. cnotliwych w dobrem umocnić i zasług im do żywota wiecznego przysporzyć;
2. występnych zaś poprawić lub ich niemi ukarać
74. Dlaczego Bóg nie przeszkadza ludziom grzeszyć?
God does not prevent people from sinning, because he does not want to deprive man of his free will and because he can turn even the effects of sin for good.
Reminder. With childlike confidence, constantly and steadfastly rely on divine providence, who cares for you tenderly, and never complain about God. »Including, who love Him, all things work together for good *. (Bzym. 8, 28).
75. Jak nazywa się ta opieka, through which God maintains and rules everything?
This care, through which God maintains and rules everything, it is called divine providence.