Christ, present in the word during the Holy Mass, calls the Church to collaborate in the work of salvation

Christ, present in the word during the Holy Mass, calls the Church to collaborate in the work of salvation

Some people are often late for Mass. Why is this happening ? Maybe they think, that the first part of the Mass. is not that important. Maybe they are thinking, that it is only an introduction or preparation for the Holy Mass., that nothing important happens then. Admittedly, the Bible is being read., the priest is preaching, but many Catholics believe, that it is not yet Holy Mass. Despite being late, they are calm, "Because they participated in the saving sacrifice of Christ". Are they right ?

The liturgy of the word

When the Christians gather at the temple, they start Mass with singing. After the common confession of guilt in the general confession, after singing the hymn "Glory to God in the highest" and after the priest's prayer, they take part in the liturgy of the word. The teacher addresses the audience, reads the word of God aloud and clearly. It is the word of God read and proclaimed at Mass. it is directed to all Christians.
During the Holy Mass. on Sundays and holidays there are three readings from the Holy Bible. The first reading is often from the Old Testament. Why so many readings ? What does reading the Old Testament mean for us?, in which God addressed an Old Covenant nation through the prophets ? Both in the Old, as in the New Testament the same God speaks. It's God's word, that the prophets preached in the Old Covenant, it was fulfilled in Jesus Christ and in his life. Each reading enables us to get to know Jesus Christ more fully and to better understand His saving work. The second reading is most often taken from the Letters of St.. Paul or another Apostle.
Sitting down, we listen intently to the word of God. After the first and second reading, to the reminder, "Here is the word of God," we answer : "Thanks be to God". This is how we express our gratitude to God, that he speaks to us and invites us to cooperate with him. At the same time, we express our faith, that that, what we hear, it is really the word of God, and not just a description of some human events.
After the first reading, everyone sings a properly selected psalm, and by others, standing, joyful "Hallelujah". Then the priest or deacon greets us : "God be with you" ! After our reply : "And with your spirit" - announces the reading of the Gospel of St.. Matthew, Brand, Luke or John, and we answer :
"Glory to you Lord" ! During the solemn Mass. while reading the Gospels, two altar servers are holding lighted candles. The priest solemnly incenses the book of the Gospels. After reading the Gospels, he always reminds the audience : "Behold the word of the Lord". We all answer : "Praise to you Christ" ! And the priest reverently kisses the book of the Gospels. Reading the Gospel is given special respect. For in the Gospel we hear the words of Christ and the narratives of his deeds. We can also understand better, that God the Father through Him fulfills His promises and saves us all. The words of Holy Scripture. sometimes require explanation. That is why the priest translates in the homily or sermon, what Christ asks of us in his word, what he calls us to and how can we respond to his call.
You can see easily, that the whole liturgy of the word is conversation, that is, a dialogue between God and the gathered people. God speaks to people through the words of Scripture. and by the homily of the priest, and the people respond to God with the singing of psalms, prayer, a profession of faith, and then with your life.
On Sundays and holidays, we express our faith by reciting or singing together : "I Believe in One God".
The prayer of the faithful is also the answer to the call of the word of God. In it, we commend to God the needs of all the faithful and the whole world. This is how we express our love, to which the word of God always calls us.

The Word of God prepares you for the Eucharistic liturgy

Dialogue is an essential feature of the liturgy of the word, that is, a conversation between God and man. By listening to God's word, we learn about our salvation, which is done in the Eucharistic Sacrifice, submitted with Christ to God the Father. We get to know His will - this, what God expects of us. The Word of God is calling us, that we may by offering the sacrifice of Christ, together with him they co-sacrifice to the Father. God's Word prepares us for this, that we may be better united with Christ in the Sacrificial Feast - in Holy Communion. You should remember the words of God addressed to you in the liturgy at the time of offering the Sacrifice and during Holy Communion. It explains to us, how in this Mass. we should co-sacrifice with Christ. When e.g.. in Advent you hear, how through the prophets God calls his people to conversion and you decide to change your life, you give the answer to God.
So you see, that the liturgy of the word is intrinsically related to the liturgy of the Eucharist. They constitute "one act of worship" (KL 56).

"Put your word into action"

When we leave Mass., where we heard the word of God and united with Christ in his sacrifice and in the sacrificial feast, not all is over. Coming out of the Mass., that is, from the Eucharistic Assembly, we should ask ourselves : “How will I turn the word of God I have heard into action ? How will I do this in my life, what Christ called me to today " ?

How will I answer God ?

I already know, that the liturgy of the word and the liturgy of the Eucharist constitute one inseparable whole. Through the liturgy of the word, God leads me to the sacrifice and the sacrificial feast and calls me, that I may fulfill my co-offering with Christ in my life. How will I organize my time, lest I be late for the liturgy of the word ? I realize, that some readings require explanation. How can I prepare for this, to understand them ? How I listen to the Scriptures. and homily ? Can I remember in a week, e.g.. at the prayer, God's call from the Sunday Mass. and my answer ?

■ Think :

1. What does the liturgy of the word look like during the Holy Mass?. ?
2. How We Express Faith, that Christ is present in the liturgy of the word and proclaims the Gospel himself ?
3. What leads to the proclamation of the word of God in the liturgy of the word ?
4. Why does the role of the Word of God not end with the Holy Mass?. ?

■ Remember:

71. What constitutes the liturgy of the word ?
Words make up the liturgy :
a) three or two readings of Scripture.
b) chants between readings
c) Confession of Faith and Prayer of the Faithful.

72. What is the liturgy of the word ?
The liturgy of the word is the transmission of the word of God in order to awaken a living faith and prepare the faithful to participate in the liturgy of the Eucharist.

■ Task :

1. Reply, why the liturgy of the Eucharist is preceded by the liturgy of the word ?
2. As if you were to explain to a late for Mass, that a Christian should not do that ?